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Automate EKS Clusters with Terraform

in Just 2 Months – Case Study

In today's cloud-driven world, automating infrastructure provisioning is crucial for efficiency and agility. This case study details how Musewerx helped a US-based IT company deploy a secure and scalable Amazon EKS cluster using Terraform's Infrastructure as Code (IaC) approach. The project was completed within a tight two-month timeframe.

Project Description:

The client sought to automate the creation and management of their EKS cluster, eliminating manual configuration and ensuring consistent deployments. The project's rapid two-month timeline demanded a streamlined approach.


Musewerx implemented Terraform for automated EKS cluster deployment, following these key steps:

Terraform Configuration:

Terraform files (main.tf, variable.tf, and provider.tf) were created to define the EKS cluster infrastructure.

Resource Provisioning:

Terraform scripts provisioned necessary resources like:

  • CloudWatch log group for cluster logging.
  • IAM roles with appropriate policies for EKS cluster and worker nodes.
  • Security groups for EKS API server access control.
  • EKS cluster with private/public access configuration.
  • IAM roles and policies for worker nodes.
  • EKS node group with desired instance types, scaling configuration, and subnet placement.
Code Execution:

Terraform commands (terraform init, terraform plan, terraform apply) were used to initialize the workspace, review the infrastructure plan, and apply the configuration to provision the EKS cluster.


The Terraform-based approach delivered significant advantages:


Streamlined and automated EKS cluster deployment, minimizing manual intervention and errors.

Infrastructure as Code:

Repeatable and version-controlled configuration ensures consistent deployments and simplifies infrastructure management.


The IaC approach allows for effortless scaling of the EKS cluster to meet growing needs.

					main.tf (Excerpt):
resource "aws_eks_cluster" "eks_cluster" {
  name = var.cluster_name
  # ... other configuration options ...
Use code with caution.
variable.tf (Excerpt):
variable "cluster_name" {
  type = string
  description = "Name of the EKS cluster"
  default = "eks-cluster"
Use code with caution.



This case study demonstrates the power of Terraform for automating EKS cluster deployment. Through IaC, Musewerx delivered a robust and efficient solution, empowering the client to focus on core business applications.

Cloud Migration Project

IT Company
"Their expertise in cloud migration was invaluable. Their solution for large repositories saved us considerable time and ensured seamless data transfer. We're now fully operational in the cloud with complete confidence in our data integrity."

Project Information


IT industry



Scope of Work

EKS Cluster with Terraform

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