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Syed Muhammad Kashif

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Terraform Best Practices

An open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool, helps you automate infrastructure provisioning, management, and destruction.
It is widely used in DevOps to streamline the infrastructure deployment process.

Benefits of using Terraform:

Terraform allows you to define and manage your infrastructure in a code file, which can be easily shared, reused, and version-controlled. This can significantly improve the efficiency and productivity of your infrastructure team.

Terraform uses a declarative language to define your infrastructure, which can help to reduce errors in your infrastructure deployments.

Terraform can help you to improve the security of your infrastructure by automating the deployment of security best practices, such as least privilege and separation of duties.

How to start with Terraform:


such as Visual Studio Code or IntelliJ IDEA.

This file will define your infrastructure using the Terraform HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).

This will download the necessary plugins and providers.

Terraform will generate a plan that shows what changes will be made to your infrastructure when you apply the configuration.

Terraform will make the changes to your infrastructure as defined in the plan.

Terraform State:

Terraform state is a snapshot of your infrastructure at a given point in time. It is stored in a file called terraform.tfstate in the same directory as your Terraform configuration file.

Terraform state is important because it allows Terraform to track the changes that have been made to your infrastructure and to apply the correct changes when you run terraform apply.

Terraform Modules:

Terraform modules allow you to reuse Terraform configuration code. This can be useful for common infrastructure components, such as VPCs, security groups, and EC2 instances.

To use a Terraform module, you simply add it to your Terraform configuration file and pass in the necessary parameters.

Terraform Best Practices:

Here are some best practices for using Terraform:

Use CI/CD tools to automate Terraform deployments. This will help to reduce the risk of errors and to ensure that your infrastructure is deployed in a consistent manner.

Perform regular misconfiguration scans. This will help you to identify and fix any security or compliance issues in your Terraform configuration.

Store Terraform state in a remote location. This will help to protect your state file from accidental deletion or corruption.

Do not store secrets in Terraform state. Secrets should be stored in a secure secret management system, such as HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.

Use Terraform modules to reuse Terraform configuration code. This will help you to improve the efficiency and maintainability of your Terraform configuration.

Implement team-based access in Terraform Cloud. This will help you to control who has access to your Terraform configuration and state file.

Protect Terraform Cloud user accounts with two-factor authentication (2FA).

Follow the least privilege principle. This means that users should only have the permissions that they need to perform their tasks.

Write modular Terraform scripts. This will make your code more efficient and reusable.

Create a README.md file containing basic documentation about your Terraform modules.

Use terraform fmt and terraform validate to format your code and validate it against potential issues.

Terraform Validate- Terraform Best Practices

How to run Terraform code:

To run Terraform code, you can use the following commands:

terraform init: Initializes the Terraform working directory.

Run Terraform Code-Terraform Best Practices

terraform plan: Generates a plan of the changes that will be made to your infrastructure when you apply the configuration.

Terraform Plan: Generates A Plan Of The Changes That Will Be Made To Your Infrastructure When You Apply The Configuration.-Terraform Best Practices
Terraform Plan: Generates A Plan Of The Changes That Will Be Made To Your Infrastructure When You Apply The Configuration.-Terraform Best Practices

terraform apply: Applies the Terraform configuration to your infrastructure.

Terraform Apply: Applies The Terraform Configuration To Your Infrastructure.-Terraform Best Practices
Terraform Apply Completed-Terraform Best Practices

terraform destroy: Destroys all of the resources that were created by Terraform.

Terraform Destroy: Destroys All Of The Resources That Were Created By Terraform.-Terraform Best Practices
-Terraform Best Practices


Terraform is a powerful tool that can help you to automate and improve the management of your infrastructure. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can get the most out of Terraform and ensure that your infrastructure is secure, reliable, and scalable.